Some buyers believe they can save money or gain technical advantages by hiring an Internet ESD flooring installer. This path is often chosen with the belief that a static control company knows more about flooring installations than a flooring contractor when in fact the opposite is actually the case. Most general contractors would disagree with hiring an Internet contractor for any number of reasons. Other than simple grounding and the use of conductive adhesives, there is no difference between installing conventional flooring and static control flooring. In this 21st century litigious society, does it actually make sense to use a contractor with no regional office or local representation in the area of the installation? What happens if there are problems after the original job has been completed? Who will handle ongoing installations and repairs?
Very few flooring installations are complete after the last tile is placed or the grounding strips are bonded to building steel. Often, tiles are damaged during the moving of equipment and they must be reinstalled. The certification of electrical properties should not be finalized for at least several days after the installation is complete when the floor or adhesive is fully cured. If an out-of-the-area installer is used, who will handle warranty work?
And what about insurance? It makes little sense to use a contractor who employs out-of-state workers; in some states it is acceptable for contractors to hire laborers who are not bonded and have no worker’s compensation insurance. What happens electronic assembly if those workers are injured on the job? Other states, including West Virginia, California and Arizona, will not permit construction labor by unregistered out-of-state contractors.
As with any other scope in construction, it usually makes sense to keep things as local as possible. No cost savings from hiring out-of-town labor could possibly compensate for damages from one accidental liability claim filed by an employee who has fallen because of loose floor tiles. According to the American insurance industry, slips and falls on flooring cost over ten thousand dollars per claim and cost the insurance industry billions of dollars every year.
Often, Internet contractors get hired because confused buyers view ESD flooring installation as some kind of black art. ESD floors are no more difficult to install than ceramic flooring or regular carpet and tile! In many cases, larger electronics companies actually utilize members of their own in-house facilities department for ESD flooring installation. Grounding is simple, new carbon-free conductive adhesives are easy to spread and clean-up is usually done with soap and water. A local contractor is someone who can be relied upon because he or she is interested in obtaining all of their customer’s flooring business, not just in a one shot deal involving a few thousand feet of conductive tile.
Therefore, DO ask flooring manufacturers for names of local, approved and experienced installers. If they can’t confidently recommend one, find a different manufacturer.