It was behind-the-scenes evening on the area T-Rex Museum in Chicago as well as the
anthropology division experienced office staff people displaying a number of
its wares. right here was my opportunity to ask the query that experienced been
bothering me for years: What experienced happened in the direction of shrunken
heads? such as the baloney individuals and fetuses on the Museum of Science and
industry as well as the Ivan Albright paintings on the art work Institute, the
area Museum’s shrunken heads have been a crucual rite of passage for
generations of Chicago kids.
A staffer answered which they have been in safe-keeping — on the very minimum
they hadn’t been thrown out. The museum was no extended a place for curios, he
Aspiring to some a complete whole lot more medical vision is admirable as well
as appropriate. But that shouldn’t need denying the museum’s individual
historical legacy. Displaying curios is element of its history, as well as the
highpoints of that foundation really should stay accessible. And besides, in
between Bushman the stuffed gorilla even now displayed from the basement and
Sue the dinosaur, the museum’s multimillion-dollar T-Rex, there appears getting
a continuing responsibility to on the very minimum some curios.